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DMCA Notice 

For informational purposes, we are supplying our users with the following DMCA notice. It should be noted that the information below is not intended to be used as legal advice. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated, or infringement charges have been filed against you, you should seek legal counsel to assist you in the manner.


All content on this website, including HTML, scripts, images, and text, are owned, copyrighted, or licensed by [COMPANY NAME]. All rights reserved.


No part of this website may be electronically, mechanically, or otherwise transmitted, reproduced, or used in any fashion without the express prior written consent of the site owner. This does, however, exclude the temporary caching and downloading of this website onto a personal computer for the sole purpose of viewing this website. This also excludes any information clearly marked as being intended for reproduction. Please note that this copyright notice applies to everyone, including all visitors of this website.


DMCA Provisions


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 includes provisions for owners of copyrighted material who believe that their rights according to United States of America copyright law have been infringed upon.


According to the DMCA, the owner of copyrighted materials who believes in good faith that their copyright has been infringed upon has the right to contact an Internet service provider to report infringements when such potential infringements appear on page contained within the system of the Internet service provider, as well as contact the party infringing upon their copyright.


The owner of this site and the Internet service provider (ISP) are committed to complying with all United States laws as well as international trade laws and practices. Upon receipt of a properly filed complaint under the DMCA, the site owner and/or the ISP of this website will block access to the potentially infringing material. The owner and/or ISP will also forward the notification of infringement claim to the alleged infringer. Anyone believing that a notice of infringement has been wrongfully filed against them may submit a Counter Notice to the site owner and/or the ISP.


Notification of Copyright Infringement Claims


Please sent DMCA notices of copyright infringement claims to [ADDRESS]. In order to file an infringement notice with the ISP or the website owner, you must provide written communication that sets forth the below specified items. You will be liable for costs, attorney’s fees, and other damages if you misrepresent that the website or a webpage is infringing upon your copyright. We recommend first contacting an attorney if you are unsure if a certain material of yours is protected by copyright laws.


In order to expedite the ability for us to process your request, please use the following format in notifying us of your claim.


1.      Identify in detail the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed.

2.      Identify the material on our site that you believe is infringing upon the copyrighted work by supplying the appropriate URLs and locations, as well as a description of the specific content.

3.      Provide contact information, at minimum, an email address and a phone number.

4.      Include the following statement: I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. I also affirm that as the copyright owner, I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by me, my agent, or the law.

5.      The signature of the copyright owner or of a person authorized to act on their behalf.


You may send your notice via email as long as an appropriate and proper electronic signature is provided by the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on the behalf of the copyright owner of an exclusive copyright that is alleged to have been infringed upon.


For further details on the information required for valid notification of alleged copyright infringement, see 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3).


Claimed Copyright Infringement Counter Notification


If a proper notice of copyright infringement has been filed with the website owner and/or the ISP, the party with whom which it has been filed will then attempt to notify you and provide you a copy of the notice of copyright infringement. Upon receiving such a notice, if you believe that you have been wrongfully accused, you may file a counter notification with the ISP and/or the website owner.


If the website owner and/or the ISP receives a valid counter notification, the blocked or removed information will be restored or have access re-enabled in accordance with the ISP in not less than 10, nor more than 14 business days after receiving the counter notification, except in the case of first receiving notice from the complaining party that the party has filed an action seeking a court order to restrain the alleged infringer from engaging in infringing activity relating to the material on this website.


We advise that United States copyright law provides penalties of a substantial amount for false counter noticed filed in response to notices of copyright infringement. We suggest you first contact an attorney if you are not sure whether certain material of yours is protected by copyright laws.

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